Breathe, breathe

Into the water,

feeling it lapping against my body,

The breath eases me in deeper as the coolness hits my skin.

I subconsciously send this breath down to my muscles,

Reminding them to relax,

And just be.

Sweeping my arms, backwards and forwards, the current flows in sync with my breathing,

As though I am being breathed, by the sea.

Letting go of those things,

I no longer want to hold me,

Feeling them taken away by the waves,

Pulsing and pushing gently against me,

carrying those old ideas onto the shore.

Crashing and splashing breaking these outdated illusions I have held,

as the elements hold me.

Sun shining down spreading along my skin,

my chest feeling that golden light and warmth,

luminous rejuvenating light filling my body.

As against my body, blowing gently pulsing, the wind sways my being, reminding me to breathe.

I feel the cylindric evolution of the breath corse though me,

from the out ward breath sounding as the shushing of people speaking to loudly in a theatre,

through to the gentle hushing of a babe, walking for it’s feed.

The breath moves and flows. A joy bringing me back to myself

Suns rays hold my being, calling and connecting.

To the elements,

open fire of the Sun bringing transformation,

Water flowing gently and as the ebbs of splashing oceans on the shoreline, sing sweetly of release.

The wind cooly raps itself around me encircling my lungs, encouraging me to

Breathe, Breathe.

I feel held and supported as the shifting sands. Hold and anchor my body against the current.

The earth reminds me of holding while allowing the current to take me.

That there is such a thing as rooted and free.

Softly my eyes open to catch the light glistening on the waves, seeing the sun ripples on the waves as they splash onto the sand.

The colours of the white Mediterranean houses contrasting with the deep blue skies.

The leaves dancing merrily in the breeze, the spray of the foam and the diving of birds into the aquamarine water.

My senses retuning me to the moment, to the now.

The coolness of the sea winding it’s way gently around my legs, holding me in the sandy beach.

The warmth of the sun, and the gentle breeze gently rocking my being.

Peacefully, bringing stillness to the mind, connecting with me back into my heart space and into the energy of my body. These moments becoming eternal.

As the water shifts around me I hear the lapping of waves mixed with the mirth of children splashing and playing and the background song of a long forgotten melody.

On the breeze is carried a smell of Jasmine floral fragrance mixed with the lasting sent of white oud on my skin and the charcoal of preparing fires for the evenings meal’s.

I taste the salt spray, becoming aware of all of my senses,

Breathed my the ocean.

I’m home.

Breathe, breathe.

Having started a breath work facilitator course that will take me on a 10 month journey. Not only am I connecting more deeply with the breath but, all that goes with it. I cant wait to be bringing this amazing practise to deepen and assist transformation, and healing, watch this space.

Straight after this dip.

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